Care for Your Mind and Body

If you feel better physically, you’ll feel better mentally too. That’s why we provide care for both your behavioral health and physical health — or “integrated care” — so you can live a healthier, more satisfying life.

Integrated care considers your whole health, or your physical, emotional, social, and community needs and goals. In addition to helping you meet your goals for recovery, our behavioral health team and primary care provider will partner with you to focus on your total health needs. They will customize treatment based on your unique combination of physical and behavioral health conditions and work with you to:
   • Manage your physical and behavioral health needs
   • Create a whole-health treatment plan for you
   • Learn about healthy eating and the benefits of being active
   • Get wellness resources for you and your family

We’ll provide peer support specialists to help you. We’ll also use technology to link all the services together and ensure comprehensive communication and collaboration with your primary care provider.

To learn more about integrated health services, visit the SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions. 

For assistance: If you would like to receive behavioral health services, please call 602.304.0014 and we will assist you. If you are already enrolled with Southwest Network, please contact the location where you are receiving services.


Anti-Stigma Presentation


What Members are Saying about Southwest Network